For the decorating, we went all out with pink/red/white. There were heart garlands, tissue paper cutouts for the tables, Hershey Kisses, and milk glass vases (my favorite!). Two of the leaders had beautiful vases with pussy willow branches to keep with the woodsy owl theme.
One of the biggest projects was a streamer banner to cover the chalkboard in the Relief Society Room. Grant helped me BIG time putting it together at home. 10 rolls of streamers later, we had a beautiful backdrop that doubled as a photo booth backdrop after the program. Here is the before pic in my living room :
and hung up on the chalkboard.
Here is a close up of the programs I printed up...
with different colors of pink tissue paper for a little bit of ombre :)
We made some cute owl masks, and the girls (and leaders) loved hammin' it up in front of the camera!
I even sneaked in there too. :)
I. Love. My. Calling.
my iPhone